Thursday, November 1, 2012


November 01.12

Good morning and happy November.  Still raining out my front door here in #2 Cottage at Kye Bay Resort.........the most beautiful spot on the east coast of Vancouver Island.

  • The Captain is counting the "get ups" left in Boston Bar. 
  •  Joey is checking out the available couches as he prepares to serf for the winter. Lovely Jane and Faithful Fred are his Kye Bay Winter family but you that know Joey gotta know he makes the rounds.  More on that as the season progresses.
  •  and I am working through  my list of things to get, buy, fix and pack in between the side affects of those darn Typhoid pills we are taking.  Tomorrow is the last day of the procedure. (four pills with a skipped day in between the taking.)  Usually get a shot but they did NOT have any so we went for the oral meds.    Here is the link for those of you who need more info for your travelling plans this winter.    The nurses are fantastic.

 In the long run a better deal cause they last four instead of two years. (Cost for each of us $110.00) You pay me now you pay me later. Right?  Needless to say if I would have know I would of done this while in lovely Boston Bar as I am missing a few dinner parties............darn.

Today I begin serious packing.............pretty exciting hey?  I will let you know how it goes as the pile is growing:  toilet parts, water filters for the island people etc.

Please check this site out for details on how you can donate and provide water for the Island People in the estuary  We have told you how we watch the people, usually the women, mostly older paddling back and forth from their island across to the mainland, which crosses are bow.........each day with their supply of water. (the dug out canoes are pretty amazing in that swift running estuary.) This project allows them to have potable water right in their casas.  How great is that......something we all take for granted.  Anyways we are bringing replacement filters this year  as we think of giving.  Join us if you wish!!

This year I am bring plastic vacuum packs for clothes  for next spring when leaving the boat......continually trying to keep things dry and protected..  Then of course our  books, shampoo for our silver hair that I cant usually find "out there"........a new saw to work on the fridge..................of course guys The Captain will tell you all about those on his page later this week.

So, then I will leave you for today and get  back to my morning ritual of stretching and meditating on THE WORD...........what an incredible way to start this fine Thursday along with a good cup of coffee.  Have a good one and stay away from the left over Hollows Eve treats.  (Bet you cant!!!)    Sailor in waiting.  Lue

1 comment:

  1. Sending you lots of best wishes and hugs for another wonderful cruising season! Where did the summer go? We love your new additions to the blog and will follow as always with great interest. Fair winds good friends. Kelly and Carol
