Monday, January 7, 2013


Incredible day yesterday!   January 06-2013  the diesel decease was cured!!!!              The Captain came up smiling and I glowed with accomplishment as the decks shone after a couple of hours of scrubbing and cleaning.  THE REWARD  did not end there.......we felt so accomplished having a successful day with the end to our challenge of dirty diesel. We retired to the POOL!!!
Claes will filter the remaining 20 gallons which he will  pour into the tank and hopefully the new filters will arrive as promised (they did!!) and all is well on board. (He still has to clean his engine room but that is a minor at this point.)  LOL

We spent the rest of the afternoon by the pool and then returned to the boat for a lovely fish supper.  It was one of those nice evenings with not too much humidly so both had a great sleep.  Thank You God for the end to the saga..............

Today....I went  to a near by little town: Rolba by bus and searched for a few items:  wrapping paper for the wedding gift, some fresh fruit and maybe a pedicure???  It is so inexpensive to travel by bus and very comfortable.  It is very hot and humid so every and any physical movement costs!!!

Finding that items are very similar in cost to Canada so we stick to local items and food fare to keep our budget in line.  It was great today...........I found an  AMERICAN ROBA   which is a second hand store!!!!  My favourite.  Found some good deals, the best which was a pair of cool sun glasses for sooooooooooooooo cheap.  New too! Now I am looking way cool.

Well, The Captain has gone to bed already so I will call it a nite a well.

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