Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Brother Rob and Sister Irene have reported difficulties in viewing the recent pictures of our adventure.  Just checked out to see if all is well and this is what I found:

On the right hand side of the blog page you will see a list of pages that are offered on the blog for YOUR viewing pleasure.  As you click on each one of those pages you will find different topics.  Looking for photos you must go to the page entitled  OUR STORY IN FOCUS.  Click on that page and you should be redirected to our Photo Albums that are all saved on our GOOGLE ACCOUNT.  I have personally gone over each album and set it as being a PUBLIC view so you should be able to view the most recent pictures.  They are saved chronologically.  You will see the album cover picture and when you click on it you will be given options to view it as a slide show.  PLEASE TRY IT OUT AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU FIND.

I have constant Internet right now...........a little modem by Digicel and will be uploading scads more photos as soon as I can sit down at the computer.........busy you know. LOL  Tomorrow we will do our official check into Panama...Friday we are going on a tour  the mountains and Saturday our guests  Roz and David arrive............chow. 
The Blog Master


  1. When trying to view your photos, it requires to create a google account to see them. I don't want to do that. Darn.

  2. Thanks, I can view all the pic now, can't wait for more from that part of the world
