Thursday, March 7, 2013


The last few months have certainly been filled with many enjoyable days and peaceful nights
We arrived in Panama City in awe of the sight of such a huge skyline of massive buildings which is certainly impressive night or day.  Upon closer inspection it is just another huge city filled with business, malls and people....lots of people.  Some not so fortunate as the large areas of low income buildings is large and not safe to travel in. 

  Our time with Canadian friends, Roz and Dave was fantastic.   We were pleased that they enjoyed themselves so much and fell into "Sailing life"very well.  The White Shell lent herself to two more bodies on board and all was well. From what the pictures tell you we had a great time sailing to The Perlas Islands, exploring, swimming, fishing and just plain relaxing.  David did amazing things with the guitar and the fishing rod. LOL

 It took us a few days to regroup after their departure and attempted to get our "town"chores done quickly as  the port is filled with huge vessels and lots and lots of activity resulting in a a very rolly anchorage, which is very difficult to live in.  It was nice to see our cruising friends in and amongst the swell and we spent a few nights enjoying pizza and or a few beers with them to exchange stories, books and laughs.  Thanks to you all!!!!

We have booked our flights home:  April 10th from Panama City to Comx, BC.  We were thrilled to find a flight that was a great price as well as getting us right into the valley.  Now we need to find a vehicle and a job for Claes. LOL  (Joey...... we will be back very soon, little buddy.  Stay out of trouble!)

The rest of the season we will hang out in the Perlas Islands, of which there are 365 of them.  Lots of beaches and clear b lue waters to explore.   Hope to do a little more writing for you as I hope to have some free time....hopefully it will coincide with having the internet. 

Lue and Claes

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lou Alan & Brenda here from Ontario (Deb Iddison). It's great to follow your adventures and this fall we start our's. The house is up for sale and come Sept heading down to the Carribean area via the ICW. Take care and maybe will see you in Comox as we will be moving back there prior to taking off sailing.
    Bye for now, Alan & Brenda.
